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Workshops to help navigate family life challenges

Chart showing progress from the start (orange Post Its) to the end (green Post Its) of the workshop.

After a successful, fully subscribed workshop earlier this year, the Wharfe Valley Family Links team are delighted to announce the launch of local workshops next month.

Aimed at adults, this free programme consists of 10 weekly workshops which are designed to enhance parents’ and carers’ wellbeing and help them find ways of navigating the aspects of family life that they may find the most challenging.

The Family Links Nurturing Programme has helped over 160 families since it was launched in the Wharfe Valley by Burley Oaks Primary School in 2016, but some people were unable to access it. The Wharfe Valley Family Links team works in partnership with the school to ensure that the programme is accessible to those outside the school location and times.

The Wharfe Valley Family Links Nurturing Programme is fully funded and backed by Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership, enabling Wharfe Valley Family Links to train additional facilitators and run multiple workshops across different venues to benefit the communities who live, work and go to school in the Wharfe Valley and Silsden.

The Family Links Facilitators, Josie Mitchell and Vikki Wood, look forward to leading the upcoming workshops.

WharfeValley Family Links Facilitators Vikki & Josie after the successful workshop earlier this year

Vikki Wood, commented: “Wharfe Valley Family Links is special because it really makes a difference in family relationships and home life. It gives parents and carers tips and tools to enhance emotional health and building positive relationships. The opportunity to share experiences and learnings within a supportive group is really valued and there is a real sense that we’re in this together. Our workshop attendees have recommended the programme to their families and friends, having seen positive changes in their own lives and that of their family dynamic.’

Josie Mitchell added: “We were happy to have a good turnout to our first workshop series. Better yet, one in three attendees was male giving us an even more varied perspective than in similar workshops we’ve previously run. All the parent-carers felt there was a positive change as they progressed through the workshops and the final session was emotional for how much of an impact the workshop information, the friendships built within the group and the sign-posting opportunities provided.”

Recent workshop attendees from the Family Links course were enthused about the workshop and the impact it has made to them and their lives: "I went into the workshop wondering if it would truly make a difference. Week 3 was a turning point, with me and, by extension, my family embracing certain elements that resonated with me. There was always something I took away and wanted to try out in my own time. It was surprising how those seemingly little things made a big difference. My family found it funny that I was putting up posters and drawings on the fridge; but they were as interested and embraced things, either knowingly or unknowingly. I’ve had the added bonus of making some good friends. I totally recommend it to everyone!"

Further testimonials include: "I was nervous going in to the first workshop, but the Family Links Nurturing Programme was a welcoming space with welcoming people, who were all there because they wanted to enjoy family life more, and feel confident, comfortable, safe and supported in the experience. It felt natural to progress through each workshop as we did – it felt good identifying and sharing the good things we did within our families and developing this further to suit our unique but, at the same time, shared situation. It’s not often that we can take a step back from the fast-pace of family life and activities, and I am glad I had the opportunity. It’s weird and wonderful how a change in outlook can make a massive ongoing change. I’m looking forward to more of the same.”

The Wharfe Valley Family Links Nurturing Programme kicks off with an open morning, walk-in session on Friday 29th September 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon, with the location now confirmed as Lower Hall, Christchurch, The Grove, Ilkley LS29 9LW. This ‘Week Zero’ session will allow those interested to meet the facilitators and find out more about the programme in an informal, relaxed environment.

If you're interested in attending, please fill in the online survey at (to ensure accessible locations and timings), or email the team at for further information.

"Doing the nurturing programme changed the way I feel about myself and my family. Adulthood is tough. This programme gave me resilience, tools, kindness and laughs when I needed it most. Don't think about it just do it.”

The Nurturing Programme is free to attend. Please contact if you are interested in finding out more about the programme and what it can do for your well-being, family relationships and personal power. We’re happy to hear from you if you’d like to join our current workshops or sign up to reminders of future workshops.

Further information is also available on Facebook by searching ‘Wharfe Valley Family

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