Two Rivers Concert Band will present its 2024 Summer Concert at Ilkley Baptist Church on Sunday 14th July.
- New start time of 4pm to avoid clashing with the Euro final -
The programme will transport you to the Wild West with the Theme from The Big Country, to New York with a selection of music from West Side Story, to the Caribbean, virtual reality and even The Underworld.
Musical Director, Gregory Moor said: “The Band have been working really hard on this programme. It’s varied and entertaining and we’ve been having a lot of fun rehearsing it.”
There will be free refreshments in the interval with treats baked at home by band members and a charity collection in aid of The Swan Song Project, a small Leeds based charity which gives people planning the end stages of their lives and those surrounding them the opportunity to write and record their own original song.
Two Rivers Bands Chair, Les Goldman said “We recently decided to concentrate our fund raising efforts on raising money for one local charity and our members have chosen to support the amazing work of the Swan Song Project. We have already raised over £200 for them with recent bandstand performances and we hope that our summer concert will raise much more”.
Doors will now open at 3.30pm for a 4pm (was 7.30pm) start on 14th July. Tickets cost just £10 and are available on line at www.tworiversbands.org.uk, from the Grove Bookshop in Ilkley or on the door. There is no charge for young people aged 16 and under.