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Train services between Ilkley - Bradford to be reduced from May

The number of trains running between Bradford and Ilkley will be reduced from May Rombalds Radio is reporting in a bid to make the service more reliable.

Between 9.30am and 3pm on Mondays to Saturdays, the services on the Wharfedale Line between Bradford and Ilkley, which includes stops at Menston, Burley and Ben Rhydding, will be cut from one every half hour to one an hour.

Changes taking effect from May 2023

Ilkley to Bradford trains at 9:51, 11:51, 13:51, and 14:51 are removed Mondays to Saturdays, resulting in an hourly service during the middle of the day.

Bradford to Ilkley trains at 9:16, 10:16, 11:16, 12:16, 13:16 and 14:16 are removed Mondays to Saturdays, resulting in an hourly service during the middle of the day.

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