District councilors urge residents to have their say on Bradford Council's 'Local Plan' consultation which could see hundreds of house build on greenbelt land in Ilkley.
Ilkley District Councillors Kyle Green (Con, Ilkley) and Anne Hawkesworth (Ind, Ilkley) have both been horrified by the initial plans put forward by Bradford Council this week.
In the draft local plan three of the four proposed sites in Ilkley are greenbelt, the largest is Coutances Way/Wheatley Lane on open fields below the Ben Rhydding scout hut, with a proposed 155 houses being build. A plot between Wheatley Grove and Ben Rhydding Drive is the next largest with 130 homes, followed by 20 on Skipton Road. A plot on Stockheld Road for 9 homes has also been proposed. From the responses both councillors have received from residents, including some residents launching petitions to oppose the plans which involve building on greenbelt land and which could change the character of the town permanently, both councillors are aware of the strength of feeling from residents and want to ensure their voices are heard by Bradford Council.
As a result of this, they have proposed a virtual town meeting on the 17th February at 7pm.
This meeting will seek to hear views from residents about the proposed plan and building development as well as offer information from both councilors regarding surrounding issues. It will also offer residents the opportunity to give their views on the proposed Ben Rhydding Park & Ride parking area.
Both councillors are keen to get as many views from residents as possible and residents who are interested in attending should email either kyle.green@bradford.gov.uk or anne.hawkesworth@bradford.gov.uk to be provided with login details for the meeting.