The Ticket Office in Ilkley has teamed up with Ilkley Foodbank again this year and will be holding a collection day tomorrow, Saturday 7th December, between 10am and 12pm.
The Ilkley Foodbank currently supports 70 local households, including 36 families. It collects packaged, tinned and dried items, a list is available at ilkleyfoodbank.org.uk/donate/
Your Ilkley Radio will be supporting the event, Nick Hancock will be on air from The Ticket Office.
A spokesperson for The Ticket Office said: “As a business in the heart of Ilkley, we wanted to give something back to our community.
“Hence why we set up the food bank drive last year. It was a huge success, but know we and the surrounding communities can do more to help those in need.
“It’s going to be an amazing morning, so come down and donate to those who need a little help this year.
And with Your Ilkley Radio broadcasting, what could be better!”
Ilkley Foodbank has 3 collection points in town: Booths, Tesco and Co-Op for donations of products and can accept financial donations, please contact Ilkley Foodbank via e-mail info@ilkleyfoodbank.org.uk
For further details about Ilkley Foodbank visit the website www.ilkleyfoodbank.org.uk