Christopher Rathbone, director of music at St Margaret's on the edge of Ilkla Moor, gives his monthly lunchtime organ recitals on the church's admired four-manual Hill pipe organ.
Christopher's recital on Friday 3rd May at 12.30pm is guaranteed to raise the roof of this handsome Victorian Church.
He will explore the rich sonorities of the St Margaret's organ in two large-scale romantic works. Josef Rheinberger was born in Leichtenstein and worked in Munich. His Sonata no 5 in F sharp minor is in three movements: a fugal 1st movement, a lovely Adagio which turns into a scherzo before reverting to the Adagio, and a fairly brief Finale (almost entirely in F sharp major).
The second piece is the splendid Chorale No 2 in B minor by César Franck. Franck was born in Liège but spent his musical working life Paris.
Free admission with retiring collection.