At their recent regular Tuesday lunch meeting the Rotary Club of Ilkley’s retiring president Sandy Dalby welcomed incoming president Chris Pacsoo.
In her retiring address to members Sandy Dalby thanked all members and officers for their support during her two years as president.
The incoming president Chris Pacsoo had the pleasure as his first official duty to welcome two new members, Paul Rimmington and Rika Mitchell before telling members how he was greatly looking forward his presidency.
Distribution of funds during the year included: Climate Action Ilkley (crocus corms) £195, Friends of Riverside Parks (playground equipment) £2,000. Ilkley Food Bank (Christmas Meal Project) £2,250, Carers Resource (securing Clark Foley Centre accommodation for 1 year) £800. Turkey and Syria Earthquake Disaster (Provision of 6 Shelter Boxes) £3,600. Dans Den (Baby Natal Classes) £250, Junior Park Fun Run (secure equipment storage facility) £200, Ben Rhydding Scouts and Guides (replacement marque) £1350.
The Club Charity and General Accounts provided support to Rotary Foundation from Members donations of £355.00 and Ilkley Bandstand Committee £350 the chosen charity of President Sandy Dalby.
The Rotary Holly Ball will return this year and takes place on Saturday 16 December at the King’s Hall and Winter Garden and is the Rotary Club of Ilkley’s Premier alternative corporate Christmas Party event raising funds for vital local Charites.
David Shaw MBE said: “We are seeking 20 Table Sponsors at a donation of £250 per table with promotion of a company’s Logo on the Table and regular mentions on the night plus social media and press pre and post publicity.
“Please contact me via email davidshawmbe@outlook.com for full details. This is to help raise significant monies for Martin House Hospice whilst keeping the event costs as low as possible providing a balance of value for money and raising funds for good causes.”