Ilkley’s much-loved Clarke-Foley Community Hub has been awarded a £12,000 grant by Ilkley Town Council to support the appointment of a bid writer to apply for funding that will ensure the Centre’s future as a community hub.
£6,000 will be provided upon receipt of the signed grant agreement and a further £6,000 will be released when a bid is submitted for further funding.
The award of the grant follows constructive dialogue between the hub, based on Cunliffe Road and the Ilkley Town Council regarding future financial plans for the Centre.
The Clarke Foley Community Hub, which rebranded from Community Centre in November 2023 to reflect it being a hub for the whole of the community, also launched a successful Friends scheme in November and this remains open for anyone to join: www.clarkefoley.org.uk/our-supporters/become-friend-clarke-foley.