It’s nearly Spring in Ilkley and the Riverside Memorial Gardens are having a small makeover in preparation for summer in our Parks - thanks to the Friends of Ilkley Riverside Parks.
“One of the key things we wanted to achieve as soon as possible when Friends of Ilkley Riverside Parks was set up was to increase the accessibility of the Parks for everyone and in particular for those with mobility issues” said Ed Duguid, Chair of FOIRP, “We have been in discussion with Bradford Council about improving the access points to all parts of the Parks, at Riverside Gardens, East Holmes and West Holmes Fields, and the Council have now secured the necessary funds to do this work”
Works have commenced initially at Riverside Memorial Gardens, which will create a new pathway into the Park for those who found it difficult to negotiate the steps at New Brook Street or indeed those would prefer a more leisurely stroll down to the Park. In addition, the works will include new entrances off New Brook Street to East Holmes and West Holmes Fields as part of the contract.
In addition, FOIRP secured funding to create a new map of the Parks areas which will appear at key entrances. This has been designed by local Graphic Designer, Hattie Clark, who also designed the signage at Darwin Gardens, “so you might see a resemblance,” said Ed, “but we rather like it!”
“We have also been negotiating with the Council over a new set of simplified Park Golden Rules which we hope everyone who visits the Park areas will support and therefore increase the enjoyment of our Park for the benefit of all. Again these are quite stylish and designed by Hattie”
Bradford Council’s Parks Development Officer, said “We are really pleased we have been able to find the funding for this important enhancement to the parks at Ilkley. We apologise to visitors to the parks for any inconvenience during the works which started on 2 March, but we hope that everyone will be pleased with the results. Our partnership with FOIRP is important to us.”
"It is hoped the works will be completed by Easter. There will be a Closure Order at the East Holmes entrance off New Brook Street from 16 to 27 March. West Holmes entrance on the other side of the road will remain open during the works. The Council apologies for any inconvenience caused during this time."
Dan Lakin of Bar Events UK who has sponsored the signage designs, which are produced by Bradford Council’s Sign Shop, added “Our company uses Riverside Gardens for the Ilkley Christmas Tepees event and we really appreciate the work which is being put into the parks to improve them for everyone’s use. We wanted to give back to the community and support the work which is being done”.
“We hope this will encourage more people to find out what there is to do in our Parks, with safer entry points and clearer information”, said Ed.
You can follow and get involved with the FOIRP via their Facebook group: