Do your families have any budding actors or Roman soldiers? Would they enjoy dressing up as characters from Roman times!
As part of the plan to promote the Ilkley Manor House’s school visits and family offer, it is planning a photo shoot on Sunday 28th April at Ilkley Manor House starting at 2 pm. The team will be using both the inside and outside spaces, depending on the weather, and the shoot would last about an hour.
A spokesperson said: "The images will be used our its website, social media platforms and printed materials and we'll will ensure permissions are obtained prior to the photoshoot beginning.
"We will be using a professional photographer to take the images. The image you see here was taken during their last successful photoshoot.
"Snacks and drinks for the young models and tea and coffee for the adults will be provided."
If any of your family, neighbours or friends would be like to come to be part of this event please do make contact via events@ilkleymanorhouse.org