Ilkley Clean River Group (ICRG) is to hold an open meeting to bring the Ilkley together to discuss the plans submitted by Yorkshire Water to Ofwat for improving the water quality at Ilkley.
The meeting will be held in B hall at Ilkley Grammar School on 26 October from 5.30pm to 6.30pm.
ICRG has invited Ilkley MP Robbie Moore, the Town Council Mayor, Karl Milner, Bradford Council Cllr Alex Ross-Shaw, the Environment Agency, Martin Christmas Area Environment Manager, Ofwat CEO David Black and Yorkshire Water CEO Nicola Shaw , to share and explain their proposals for cleaning up the river.
Anyone interested in attending the meeting can register at: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ilkley-town-meeting-2023-followed-by-ilkley-clean-river-group-agm-tickets-714737016657
The meeting will be followed by the Ilkley Clean River Group AGM.