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Ilkley BID introduces new town centre maps

Ilkley Business Improvement District (BID) has installed four new large-scale town centre maps around the town and, in conjunction with Ilkley Town Council, refurbished and reinstalled two of the existing map lecterns.

The lecterns and maps can be found in South Hawksworth Street carpark, adjacent to the public conveniences at Back of the Grove, at the top of Brook Street, next to All Saints’ Church on Church Street, on Railway Road and outside the Station Plaza.

These six maps highlight shops, venues and attractions throughout Ilkley with all areas of the town colour coded into specific zones. 

The businesses are listed separately by category such as Ladieswear, Menswear, Sports & Outdoor, Charity Shops, Food & Drink, Restaurants, Pharmacies, Hair & Beauty, Professional Services and many more, and are featured with the corresponding colour zone to help visitors easily navigate their way around.

Sarah Brookfield-Almond, Ilkley BID Manager, said: “This initiative fulfils a key objective outlined in the Ilkley BID Action Plan to help ‘keep Ilkley clean and attractive’ and to help promote everything that Ilkley has to offer. The maps provide clear and concise information about all the wonderful attractions and businesses in town and where they are located.

“It’s fascinating to see the breadth and variety of the businesses we have in Ilkley when they are presented in this way, and we’ve already had reports of people discovering new shops and places to visit after studying the maps. In fact, feedback so far has been overwhelmingly positive with many people telling us they’re a very welcome addition to the town.  We will update and renew the maps on a regular basis as businesses change in the town. This project has been a real labour of love and we’d like to thank Colin Watson of Pinnacle Design for all his support and hard work.”

For more information about this initiative and the other objectives in Ilkley BID’s five-year action plan 2024-2029, visit

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