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Holly Ball raises over £15,000

The 2024 Holly Ball at The King's Hall & Winter Garden
The 2024 Holly Ball at The King's Hall & Winter Garden

The Rotary Club of Ilkley held its annual Charity Holly Ball last Saturday 14th December in the splendid and elegant Edwardian surroundings of the King’s Hall and Winter Garden.


A sell out attendance of 200 guests were served a three course meal followed by live music from The Warning Tones and disco provided by Nick Babb.


The event’s principal Charity Partner for the third year running was Martin House Hospice for children and young people with serious life shortening conditions and representatives from their fund raising team were present on the night.


With a live auction with some spectacular prizes together with raffle prizes donated by local businesses and organisations the total raised on the night will be close to £15,000 when all the number crunching has been done.  The Rotary Club of Ilkley thank Joze Dancers for excellent work in selling more raffle tickets than ever to our generous guests.


Chris Woodhead Treasurer of the Rotary Club of Ilkley and the Chair of the Holly Ball Management Committee said:

“We are as always eternally grateful to all the people of Ilkley for their continued support and for all those businesses including our sponsor Jeremy Bloomfield Jewellers who have kindly donated so generously to the auction and raffle.


"In addition to the funds raised for Martin House, £1,800 proceeds from the sale of wine will go to the Friends of the King’s Hall, to preserve this wonderful venue for future generations. Thanks to them for manning our busy bar all evening."


The Rotary Club of Ilkley would like to thank the following for their support:


Joze Dancers

Loafers Bakery

Jeremy Bloomfield Jewellers

Ilkley Lawn Tennis Club

The Wheatley Hotel

Crab and Lobster Restaurant with rooms

Martin House Ilkley Committee

JCT 600 Porsche Centres

The Devonshire Estates Bolton Abbey

One Tivoli Place Ilkley

Lishmans Butchers

Intercontinental Hotel Park Lane

Addingham Fruit Liquers

Alex Laine Tailors Ilkley

The Theatre Royal York

Rudding Park Hotel

Ilkley Round table

Ilkley Golf Club

The Rotary Club of Ilkley

Red Bull F1 Racing Team

Messrs Martinez Fine Wines

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