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Gala Organ Recital at St Margaret's on Friday

St Margaret's organ recital at 12.30 pm on Friday 5 July will be a special celebration in honour of Edward Scott’s 90th birthday.

A spokesperson said: "Edward will play favourite pieces by Bach (Herr Jesu Christ dich zu uns wend, from the Leipzig ‘18’) and the Tune in E by George Thalben-Ball. Edward’s outstanding pupil Anthony Gray will be here to play a prelude from a recent piece by himself as well as the final section of Duruflé’s op 4 (Choral Varié sur Veni Creator).

"Christopher Rathbone will play Bach’s famous Fugue in E flat (known as the St Anne Fugue or the Trinity Fugue), and a short set of variations on Howells’s hymn tune for ‘All my hope’, which he wrote at the end of May for this occasion.

"Refreshments will be provided afterwards for all those who come to the recital, in the Parish Hall.

"Please let us know if you intend to come, by email ( or telephone (01756 711 118)."

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