The Friends of Ilkley Moor will hold its 2024 AGM on Friday 24th May at the Clarke Foley Community Hub on Cunliffe Road at 7.30pm.
At the AGM Richard Brewster, who is a Conservation Works Officer for Moors For The Future Partnership, will present a talk covering the Ilkley Moor Resilience Project.
A spokesperson for the Friends of Ilkley Moor said: “This is the 3 years programme that has just started and is intended to rewet large areas of the upper Moor and better manage the vegetation present. This will enhance carbon capture, assist in flood prevention and enhance the flora and fauna present on the Moor.”
Danny Jackson, the Bradford Council Countryside and Rights of Way Manager, will also provide an update on his team’s activities on the Moor generally and seek members’ views.
Refreshments will be provided and both members and non-members are welcome to attend.
For more information contact Barry Wilkinson 07831 505051.