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FREE business support drop-in session

Bradford Council is running a series of free drop-in events to support businesses with one being held at Ilkley Library on 29th April.

The Business Support Drop-in sessions are being run by the Council’s Invest in Bradford team, and businesses from start-ups through to those more well-established are welcome to attend.

Booking is not required and people can simply call in for advice on a wide range of topics.

Businesses are welcome to bring any issues they’d like to discuss such as opportunities for grants and funding as well as guidance on how to apply, recruitment and training, marketing, searching for and maintaining premises, innovation and digitalisation.

The experts at each event will be able to offer guidance to support all businesses across the district at these sessions, which will be held at Keighley Library, Ilkley Library and Shipley Library over the coming months.

Bradford Council’s Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Transport and Planning Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw said: “These sessions can cover a wide range of topics, whatever the business feels they need advice on. This could include information on anything from funding opportunities to networking opportunities through to support with recruitment and anything in between.

“Our team is able to support businesses at all stages and can also offer support programmes for charities and social enterprise. These are challenging economic times and we want to do all we can to help business across the district to thrive.”

For more information please visit

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