A strong field of fellrunners from far and wide will battle it out on Ilkley's famous moor on Sunday 2nd March at the 2025 Ilkley Moor Fell Race.
Organised by local running club Ilkley Harriers, runners will line up at 11:30 am at the start next to Darwin Gardens; following the usual route via the Cow and Calf, across the moor, via Backstone Back before dropping down near the Keighley Road. A short, challenging, steep, five mile (6km) route that packs in 1,315ft (401m) of ascent with the front runners finishing in 40 minutes.
Entries are open via ilkleymoorfellrace.wordpress.com for those that have the stamina and calf muscles.
Once again there will also be the Junior Fell Races too, starting at 10:30am, no pre-registration is needed.
A spokesperson for Ilkley Harriers said:
"A great day out for all the family, spectators are very welcome, with Darwin Gardens, Backstone Beck and the Cow and Calf being great places to shout encouragement.
"With the Real Food market on the Grove that day, there will be some good opportunities to refuel afterwards.
"Thanks go to our sponsors Pete Bland Sports who will also have a stall near Darwin Gardens on the day."
More than 40 Ilkley Harriers volunteers will be manning the route and start/finish line to make sure no-one gets lost or gets into difficulties.