Ilkley residents, Peter Barron, Paul Birch, Alan Breese and James Gillespie, recently issued an open letter invited feedback on people’s experiences with traffic calming cushions in Ilkley.
From the 87 responses they have issued the findings.
“We received 87 responses. 71 were expressed concerns, 10 were positive and 6 were unable to be categorised. From the 71 replies we have 167 specific comments.
“An analysis of the specific comments suggests that the cushion TCFs are creating problems. Many described damage to vehicles or were concerned about potential damage (22%). A significant number described pain and discomfort while driving over cushions (14%). This was happening whether vehicles straddled the cushions without slowing or if they slowed. Noise and vibrations were described by those living in close proximity to specific road cushions (6%).
“However, the greatest number of concerns were related to ‘dangers’ associated with the cushions (41%). The most common problem was with cars parking over the cushions and, as a result, forcing cars into the middle of the road. Vehicles had to drive over the road cushion at an angle or cross to the other side of the road completely. Also, certain cushions were located in dangerous locations.
“It was felt that such driving behaviour was inconsiderate and dangerous and likely to cause accidents. Ilkley has bever been and accident blackspot and to date there have been no reported accidents. But there is a serious concern that accidents are just waiting to happen.
“The inescapable conclusion is that, rather than making roads safer, the installation of cushions has created new hazards. This is the opposite to what was intended and now we have a road traffic problem we not have before.
“If you would like a copy of the full analysis, please contact us at ilkley.feedback@mail.co.uk”