Ilkley residents are being asked to have their say on Bradford Council budget cuts that will see Ilkley's tip close and the introduction of charges for residents and visitor parking permits.
Under the plans, parking at Ilkley Pool and Lido will no longer be free and there will be a 50% increase at Ilkley’s South Hawkesworth Street car park, taking it from £1 to £1.50 per hour.
Three household waste recycling centres would close, including Golden Butts in Ilkley, an online petition against the closure of Ilkley's tip, which needed 1500 signatures to force it to be debated at the next full Bradford Council meeting, has now reached over 3100.
The proposals plan to introduce a charge for resident and visitor permits, with a charge of £35 per permit proposed, and to increase the cost of a business and worker permit to £250 per annum.
The cuts will also see a review of leisure and library services, an increase in council tax and lead to over 100 job loses.
A consultation into the plans has now begun following an extraordinary meeting of the council’s Executive on Thursday.
Have your say on Bradford Council's Executive budget proposals for 2024-25 HERE.
The council says; "The proposals have been developed under an unprecedented level of financial pressure due mostly to the continued significant increases in children’s and adult social care demand and cost pressures that are consuming an ever-greater proportion of the council’s resources.
"Since 2011 Bradford Council has had to find over £350m in cuts and savings due to national austerity measures, inflation and increased demand. More recently exceptional inflation and energy prices have put additional pressure on budgets.
"In 2023-24 the council used around £48m of one-off reserves to help balance the budget and pay for children’s social care and other pressures. Costs have continued to grow, and the council is forecast to overspend by about £73m in 2023-24. This therefore results in a budget gap of around £121m in 2023 -24.
"More proposals for further savings will be developed in the coming months to enable the council to reach a balanced budget."
Residents have until 17th February to take part in the consultation. The Council’s Executive will then fully consider all the feedback before it recommends its 2024-25 budget proposals to Full Council on 22nd February.
Further details about the proposals and how to take part in the consultation can be found at: www.bradford.gov.uk/your-council/have-your-say-on-the-proposed-financial-plan-and-budget-proposals/have-your-say-on-the-proposed-financial-plan-and-budget-proposals/