On the corner of Brewery Road and Railway Road in Ilkley, the owners of a building currently used as residential but has been used previously as a shop, have been given permission to change its use to retail.
Business partners and sisters, Kate McTigue and Maria Shooter said in a letter supporting the application: “I propose to use it as a retail space, selling gift and vintage items, as well has having a takeout coffee and cake facility’.
No changes are planned to the outside of the property, which has a shop looking front, apart from signage. In the 1970s and before the property had been used as a house and corner shop.
The application had received 8 objections which included:
Small scale of proposed use and potential for harm to surrounding residential amenity.
Impacts to parking and surrounding highways safety.
Lack of detail on proposed waste disposal.
On approving the change of use, Bradford Council planners have added conditions:
The proposal hereby approved shall only be used between the hours of 0800 and 1800 each day and no customer or staff shall be served or otherwise make use of the structure outside of these hours.
The premises hereby approved shall be used as a food goods shop as described in the application only, and for no other purpose.