The Ilkley & District Good Neighbours’ over 90s Afternoon Tea Party has been held at the Clarke Foley Community Centre in Ilkley.
Now in its 35th year, the party has always been a popular feature of the charity providing free entertainment along with an afternoon tea for the guests, who came from Ilkley, Menston, Addingham, and Burley in Wharfedale.
The event brought together over 80 residents along with the Lord Mayor of Bradford, Ilkley’s Town Mayor Cllr Karl Milner, West Yorkshire's Deputy Lieutenant Suzanne Watson, Ilkley Town Crier Isabel Ashman and Robbie Moore MP for a very special occasion.
Ilkley’s Being Me Sunshine Trio provided the musical entertainment and a ‘sing-along’ for attendees.
Afternoon tea was provided by the catering team at the Clarke Foley, with members of the 1224 (Wharfedale) Squadron helping out with the event.
“It was lovely to see familiar faces from last year and to meet other new attendees” said Suzanne. “In particular it was a joy to chat with Edwin (aged 97) and his wife Margaret (aged 95) both born and raised in Ilkley, and who told me they had been married for 72 years and were as happy as they had ever been. Their love of the event’s opportunity to socialise and talk to new people, to be entertained, and have a change of scene really does epitomise the true value that so many get out of such a well organised event.”
One of the key organisers was Lucy Steer, the charity’s manager, who said: “The Over-90’s Party truly represents everything that is great in our community. It’s something many older residents look forward to each year, a chance to meet others and get out for the day. We’re grateful for all the support we received from the young Royal Air Force Air Cadets, 1224 Wharfedale Squadron, and I want to thank the Clarke Foley Community Centre for hosting and providing their wonderful afternoon tea to our guests and all the dignitaries who kindly gave up their Saturday to be with us. I would also like to pay tribute to our own volunteers and to mention Ilkley Community Transport, who brought many of our guests to the party.”
Providing the entertainment was the musical trio “Bring Me Sunshine”, who added a special musical touch to the afternoon by inspiring those attending into full voice by some community singing with memorable songs from the past.
Robbie Moore, Ilkley's MP, said: "It was brilliant to spend the Saturday at Ilkley & District Good Neighbours’ Over 90s Afternoon Tea Party held at the Clarke Foley Community Centre in Ilkley. It was great to stop until the end and spend time speaking to all around the tables.
"A huge well done to everyone who helped organise the event and a special thanks to Ilkley’s Bring Me Sunshine for the fantastic musical entertainment and for the great ‘sing-along’. The afternoon tea was superb and the catering team at the Clarke Foley have done an amazing job once again. Well done also to members of Ilkley Royal Air Force Air Cadets for helping out - you are all such a credit to your squadron."
For further information on the charity visit www.goodneighboursilkley.org.uk or phone 01943 603348.