Bradford Council have published a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) which details a number of proposed amendments, 'phase 2', to the Ilkley parking scheme. The Order runs until 7 August after which time the Council will consider any objections.
The council say the proposals are designed to enhance parking for local residents, improve traffic flow and increase road safety.
The TRO includes plans to make the following changes:
Free parking in on-street Pay & Display areas to be increased from 30 minutes to 1 hour
An increase to 3 and 4 hours in many of the on-street Pay & Display areas (currently all 2 hours)
Return of the coach parking bay on Railway Road which will assist the BIDs efforts to have Ilkley recognised as a 'coach friendly' destination.
The introduction of additional permit only areas including Kings Road and Craiglands Park.
Long stay pay and display extended down the full length of New Brook Street/Middleton Ave to Denton Road, a stretch currently with no restrictions.
Stockeld Road changed to long stay pay and display from 3 hours free.
Removal of staff permits from residential areas into long stay pay and display areas, charging £15 per annum for each day required (£75 for 5 day week, £105 for 7 day week) charges to be paused until 1st April 2021, replaced with a £10 admin fee. This will give workers the ability to park in any on-street long stay Pay & Display area, subject to availability.
An increase in long stay on-street Pay & Display areas to accommodate the extra demand.
Additional no parking areas to improve road safety, reduce parking congestion and improve traffic flow.
The full documents can be found here - www.bradford.gov.uk/transport-and-travel/highways/traffic-regulation-order?Folder=Ilkley+TRO
A PDF with all 22 slides showing the proposed changes is available here.
Helen Rhodes, Manager of Ilkley BID told Ilkley Chat: “We are pleased to see that the majority of issues we have continuously lobbied for have been taken into consideration. We realise that some businesses will be disappointed that there will be a charge for Workers Permits but the charge is significantly less than for similar permits in some other areas of the Bradford District and at less than £1.50 per week we hope employers and staff will think this is reasonable. As noted, there will be no charge this year in recognition of the current difficult economic situation. We are particularly pleased to see the introduction of one free hour and an increase to 3 or 4 hours in other areas. This should benefit many businesses including hair and beauty, whose clients were struggling to access spaces near the town centre that allowed a long enough stay, and of course retail and hospitality.”
Commenting on the proposals, Cllr Anne Hawkesworth said: "I do not think the on street charges should be reintroduced at all. It is too soon and the town is too fragile. These amendments to be advertised are a step in the right direction with positive improvements. However one big change should be no charge after 6-00pm in South Hawksworth Street carpark and no penalties before 10am, this encourages a return to evening dining. I would encourage once more residents to make their comments."
Sarah Siddons BID Director and owner of Sarah Siddons Financial Planning added “Most businesses have received a letter confirming that workers Special Permits are being extended until further notice. This is to allow the process above to be completed and give time for objections to be dealt with and new systems to be put in place. Therefore at this stage we do not have a date for moving to the new scheme, please assure your employees that the existing permits are still in force.”
Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Transport, said: “Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who took the time to respond to our consultations on parking in and around Ilkley over the past few years. We said from the start that we would consult on the first phase of the parking review in Ilkley and make any changes necessary to improve the scheme for residents and businesses in the town.
“We have listened carefully to feedback and think these proposals will help resolve the issues raised while addressing the longstanding problems around excessive and dangerous parking the changes were brought in to address in the first place.”
If you wish to object to the proposed Order you should send your objection in writing by e-mail to legalobjections@bradford.gov.uk quoting reference:- CORP/PCD/AK/407422. You can also post your objection to: City Solicitor, Legal and Democratic Services, City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, City Hall, Bradford, BD1 1HY. Objections should be made by 12 noon on Friday 7 August 2020.
Ilkley BID are asking if you do make an objection you copy in the BID dedicated email address please - parking@ilkleybid.co.uk though this email address is not monitored daily.